Marjory’s Friday Writers, instructor, Marjory D. Lyons
Inspired writers who have published books
This email provides an opportunity to tell you how much I love your class and how much it means to me. Without your class—should we call it a class, think of another name—I wouldn’t be able to write my name. The only reason I’ve finished my book was because of you and the group.
In the late fall which is when I get back I’ll try and recruit some more participants from among my friends. I don’t think we need hordes but a few more would do.
Once again, I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Keep safe. You are valuable to a lot of people.
“Thanks to Marjory for stimulating her students,motivating them, and teaching us how to write the many stories that all of us have.”
“Your workshop, Tell Your Story in Words and Pictures, was extremely helpful and gave me a lot of ideas I hadn’t even thought of.”
I want to tell you that you are a really good teacher. In the four years, I attended your writing class, I have learned a lot.
“I recently participated in a writing workshop presented by Marjory D. Lyons, “Tell Your Story in Words and Pictures.”
Marjory’s experience and seemingly endless knowledge guides you through the process of getting started with telling your story. All questions you may have wanting to write your memoir are answered in a way that foster the ideas that your story needs to be told land you can tell it. The workshop, a step by step guide to have pictures heighten the meaning of your word, I found informative, encouraging and certainly motivating.”
Thanks so much for the interesting workshop. The information on the IBPA should be particularly useful to me. Also I will definitely check out Amazon’s Space as you receommended.
Thanks also for taking a look the opening of my urban fantasy novel.
Thank you so very much for all you have done to make my four years in Pompano so productive. I owe a huge debt to you for inspiring me to write so many different kinds of work over these last few years. Your keen insights, observations, and suggestions have helped me become better at the craft. I realize that each piece continues to be a work in progress and I am very grateful to have been part of the community.
“As a child, I always thought something good was going to happen. I kept thinking, ‘Well, things aren’t so bad, are they?’ I just didn’t let things make me unhappy. I was a happy child, and I also think I am a happy old lady.”
This is a quote from Florence Hofmann Mills, then just weeks away from her 100th birthday, as we were writing her book, Florence’s Story.
There was a big party on a yacht in Fort Lauderdale when she reached 100. I took a picture of her with the ship’s captain splendid in his whites and Florence dazzling in her pink skirt and jacket and glamorous, coiffed white hair.
Her strong hand-written message on the title page of her book was: “Dear Marj, This story could never have been told without your keen interest and skillful questioning.”
Thanks for an informative workshop. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get the juices flowing again.