“Florence’s Story, 1902 to 2002, As told to Marjory Lyons” by Florence Mills 2002 A story of 100 years of living.
“As a child, I always thought something good was going to happen. I kept thinking, ‘Well, things aren’t so bad, are they?’ I just didn’t let things make me unhappy. I was a happy child, and I also think I am a happy old lady.”
This is a quote from Florence Hofmann Mills, then just weeks away from her 100th birthday, as we were writing her book, Florence’s Story.
There was a big party on a yacht in Fort Lauderdale when she reached 100. I took a picture of her with the ship’s captain splendid in his whites and Florence dazzling in her pink skirt and jacket and glamorous, coiffed white hair.
Her strong hand-written message on the title page of her book was: “Dear Marj, This story could never have been told without your keen interest and skillful questioning.”